

Saturday, May 23, 2015

For the love of Jesus and biscuits

Pearl of wisdom: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.  You are serving the Lord Christ.” 

I love to start new things.  When it comes time to try new hobbies, put together gadgets out of a box, or kick off new campaigns or projects it’s almost like I get high off of anticipation and new ideas and trying to figure things out.  Only downside is, I don’t always like to finish.  Ask my friends that I’ve started cute little crafty projects for.  I get about 1/3 of the way in and start sending pictures like a cat that is proudly showing off the mouse it caught.  “Look what I’m bringing you.” Ask my friends where the finished project’s at today.  Unfinished, packed in my craft bag in the garage where it’s sat since we moved last summer.  After the newness wears off, the grind sets in, and things become repetitive or difficult I start falling asleep at the wheel.  Where is the challenge? Where did the excitement go? What if this doesn’t turn out how I want it? This is definitely not turning out like I wanted.  Sigh.  Can I get a witness right now or am I alone on this one? Y'all are all probably wondering how I'm married, maintain close relationships with friends and family, and hold a job down right about now.  It's different with people, but I do have moments where I want to pack my husband in the garage.  Ha! 

I’ve been “working on my fitness” intentionally for 3 years now.  For me and a hobby, a difficult hobby at that, that's a long time.  Fitness is difficult when you come from a family that has gravy running through it's veins instead of blood.  We thick people, and mostly proud of it.  
Fit'ness: Translation - I'm bout to fitness whole pizza in my mouth.
I've ran some races, participated (notice I did not say competed) in a triathlon or two, but I do not consider myself an athlete.  There have been plenty of times in the last 3 years of fitness-ing where the newness has worn off and I was ready to start something new... like Netflix binge watching.  I hear it’s the latest craze and everyone loves it.  I ponder being good at Netflix binge watching at 5am after I worked 15 hours the day before and I know I have 4 sets of 8 zerk squats with 115 lbs. ahead of me.  What’s a zerk squat? Should be called jerk squat, but more on those things another time.    

Me after zerk squats.
My relationship with blogging has been very similar to my fitness obsession.  I enjoy writing.  Sometimes for the wrong reasons.  I’ve been told I have a way with words (even if my grammar ain’t so proper).  Might have won several awards growing up for various written short stories, etc.  I felt so good about my writing at some points I developed pride over it which we know can lead to big ego implosions.  After trying to write two blogs and feeling like they offered nothing worthwhile except for some occasional entertainment due to my ability to exaggerate the mundane into the insane, my writer's pride has been humbled and I've frequently wanted to quit.  Most of the posts in the other blogs are what my sweet granmama would call, “dammit dolls.” What’s a dammit doll you say? It’s a rag doll you sling around and yell “dammit” at when things are going bad.  It’s time for a serious refocus, although I still may post a rant or ten over there as needed. 

Thank God for good friends who are inspirational writers and keep me thirsty to keep trying this blog thing.  I like to write.  I love to work out.  After several months of pondering I decided to start a new blog with a focus.  I even spent time doing a little research and such.  I'm learning... Over time my goal for this blog is to write about fitness, nutrition, health, and pieces of my fitness journey but really I want this place to have a message.  I want it to be a message that brings glory to God and shares pieces of a journey anyone whether you lift weights, run, enjoy going for a walk, do water aerobics (eh), or just like to buy athletic shoes can relate to.  A positive message about loving others and developing a love for oneself maybe sprinkled with some humor, encouragement, and seasoning salt.  And I want it to be sustainable.  Something I will want to continue on with because it's fun and maybe just maybe...holistic and helpful.    

Before we really get started on the journey here's the key points about me... I love Jesus.  I’m a young southern woman, grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and moved on up to the upper east side.  I may look like a suburban queen but I still think and act like an old barefoot redneck.  I don't mind being sweaty or having dirty feet.  After Christ there is nothing more important to me than loving my family and my beautiful friends.  I enjoy good coffee, long conversations, sentimental notes, hugs that mean something, and sweet smelling flowers.  I wear pearls while I lift, run, and swim.  I count my carbs but the carbs I "fix" will make you slap your mama and wanna hug my granmama.  I came from nothing and as far as I’m concerned what is “mine” is really borrowed and should be shared.  

For the love of Jesus and biscuits let's get started.  I’m pretty high with excitement right now.  Let’s hope that carries over to blog post #2....

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